Saturday, May 16, 2020

Grendel Critical Reading Analysis - 1144 Words

Grendel Critical Analysis QuestionsAnswer on your own paper in complete sentences. Chapter 1: Aries, the Ram.1. What does Grendels relationship with nature -- the ram, the sky, grass, the doe, the baby bird, owls, and wolves -- reveal about his own personality?2. Quote the various phrases Grendel uses to describe himself. What do they reveal about his self-image and how it was developed?3. What is the significance of the scene wherein Grendel challenges the dark chasms?4. What does Grendel mean when he speaks of playing cat and mouse with the universe? What does it mean to see all life without observing it?5. Describe Grendels mother and his relationship with her.6. From Grendels point of view, what is man? Chapter 2: Taurus,†¦show more content†¦In what sense does he become himself?4. According to Unferth, what is heroism? What is poetry?5. Why doesnt Grendel kill Unferth? And why is Unferth so bitter?6. Who or what is the dragon? Chapter 7: Libra, the Balance.1. What is Grendels law? What does it mean?2. How is Wealtheow like the Shapers songs? How is she different?3. Why doesnt Grendel rape, torture, and murder Wealtheow? Or does he?4. What does Grendel mean by balance is everything?5. What is meaning as quality?6. What is the parallel between Wealtheow and Grendels mother?7. What has happened to Unferth? How does the Queen affect him? Chapter 8: Scorpio, the Scorpion.1. What threats surround Hrothgar after Hrothulfs arrival? How is Hrothulf like a scorpion?2. What is Grendels Theorum? What does it mean?3. How can violence be creative? What do Grendel and Red Horse have to say about violence and legitimate force?4. Describe Red Horses political idology.5. What is the meaning of the horrible dream which Grendel imputes to Hrothgar?6. How can the old king Hrothgar be a giant? In what ways is he like Job? Chapter 9: Sagittarius, the Hunter.1. What ironies occur in this section?2. How can Time be inside the hunter and the hart?3. What is Grendels opinion of religion?4. What is the significance of Grendels encounter with Ork? What does Ork have to say about the King of the Gods and about the nature of Evil?5. Why is Grendel so disgusted by the speeches of the Fourth Priest? 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